Enjoy Icelandic Music
One of the most pleasant ways of learning a language is listening and reading the lyrics of the music you like.
But of course you can also listen to nice music in a foreign language just for fun. And if you know English, reading and listening to music in Icelandic can be real fun. And more, if you are familiar with any other germanic language, like German or Old English, it is just great, since you can build meaning by stablishing lexical and morphological similarities with these languages.
The little I know about Icelandic music seems quite spiritual, lyric, sensual yet cold, smooth, delicate, educated... an appealing cultural embassy. You can enjoy Icelandic with some authors.
The ever-barroque spirituality of Björk. The advantage of Björk's songs is that she often sings both Icelandic and English version of the same song:
The sweet delicacy of Sigur Rós
The gothic scent of post-punk Kælan Mikla
Other Icelandic bands
But of course you can also listen to nice music in a foreign language just for fun. And if you know English, reading and listening to music in Icelandic can be real fun. And more, if you are familiar with any other germanic language, like German or Old English, it is just great, since you can build meaning by stablishing lexical and morphological similarities with these languages.
The little I know about Icelandic music seems quite spiritual, lyric, sensual yet cold, smooth, delicate, educated... an appealing cultural embassy. You can enjoy Icelandic with some authors.
The ever-barroque spirituality of Björk. The advantage of Björk's songs is that she often sings both Icelandic and English version of the same song:
- Verandi (2001)
- The Sugarcube's Birthday (1987) - Icelandic lyrics
- Um Akkeri (1999), Icelandic version of The Ancor song -Icelandic lyrics, English lyrics
- Icelandic version of Oceania (2004), English version - Bilingual lyrics
- Jólakötturinn (1987)- Bilingual lyrics and here too
- You have been flirting again (1995)- English lyrics
The sweet delicacy of Sigur Rós
- Við spilum endalaust (2008) -Bilingual lyrics
The gothic scent of post-punk Kælan Mikla
- Kalt. Bilingual lyrics
- Bilingual lyrics for some of their songs (beware of the lame translation)

Other Icelandic bands
- Here you will find names, bilingual lyrics and songs of many Icelandic groups. Unlike they say, Icelandic is not difficult. Enjoy!
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